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Annual General Meeting

Please click here to download the minutes of our latest AGM (correct as of 1st March 2024).


Fitzwilliam Wine Club Committee

Please click here to download the minutes of our committee meeting from 10th January 2024 (correct as of 11th January 2024).

Fitzwilliam Wine Club

Club Rules as at February 2024

1. The name of the club shall be:- The Fitzwilliam Wine Club

2. Aims of the club:- To promote Interest in and Appreciation of Wines

3. Honorary Officers of the club shall be:-
Chairman  Secretary  Treasurer  Speaker-Finder
Plus Five Committee Members

4. In its discretion, the Committee may co-opt any Member until the next AGM.

5. The four Honorary Officers shall hold office for a minimum of one year and may stand for re-election at the next following AGM. Officers must give at least three months' notice of their intention to resign.

6. The five Committee Members to be elected or re-elected for a one year period at each AGM.

7. Club Meetings shall be held monthly or at the discretion of the Committee, who should avoid intervals longer than two months.

8. Committee Meetings shall be held as often as necessary, a quorum for which shall be a majority of the current members and officers of that Committee.

9. The Financial Year shall be from January 1st to December 31st; with the AGM to be held not later than March of each year. The Annual Subscription as agreed at the AGM becomes payable in March of each year.

10. New members, or guests of current members, attending for the first time, will pay a fee of £5.00 per person. If they choose to join the club, they must then pay the full rate of £10.00 per person per meeting.

11. Expenses incurred in carrying out the work of the club shall be met from the funds of the club.

12. Payments from the funds of the club shall be made by cheque signed by any TWO of three named signatories; all of who shall be serving members of the committee.

13. The accounts of the club shall be produced and circulated at the AGM.

14. In the event of the dissolution of the Fitzwilliam Wine Club, the assets of the Club; after payment of debts and liabilities; shall be donated to a charity, The Rotherham Hospice (chosen by a majority of members in April / May 2005), or any other charity chosen by the current membership should the Rotherham Hospice have ceased to exist.